سكارف مبتكر من أكمام التى شيرتات القديمة
- About 5 or 6 old tee shirts
- Thread
- Take a tee shirt - any tee shirt. Check with the owner that you can have it! Cut the sleeves off. It doesn't matter if they are straight or on the slant.
قصى الأكمام من التى شيرتات ولايهم ان كان القص باعتدال او بالميل ( على حسب حردة الكم) - Lay the sleeves out in approximately the order that you want to sew them. I usually use sleeves from the same tee shirt at each end and then use the same sleeves for the next one on each side so that the scarf ends up roughly symmetrical, but that's not a necessity.
رصى الأكمام بجانب بعضها البعض وضعيها متناسقة الألوان ( كما فى الصورة) - It helps to use the end sleeve with the cuff or hem at the end (on the left in the photo) but after that it doesn't matter which way round you put the sleeves. Turn the 2nd sleeve inside out and slide it over the 1st sleeve until the ends are in line with each other.
خيطى الأكمام ولايهم ان تصليها باعتدال او بميل المهم ان تظهر فى النهاية بشكل اسطوانى متداخل الوصلات والألوان - If it's a long sleeve it's easiest to put your right hand through the sleeve and grab the end of the other sleeve and then pull to get the ends of the seams in line with each other.
- Set your machine to largest zigzag and longest stitch length and sew the 2 sleeves together. The zigzag allows for the stretch of the tee shirt fabric.
- If you have sleeves that were cut on the slant then just turn one upside down against the other so that the slants match. Where the sleeves are different sizes - as they are bound to be - just use the stretch in the smaller sleeve and tug a little or put a series of small folds or pleats in the larger sleeve.ويمكنك ايضا وصل الأكمام بطريقة رأساعلى عقب مثل الصورة التالية
وهذا هو الشكل النهائى للسكارف فمارأيك ؟ هل أعجبك؟
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